李继华,何 俊,阚强波.基于行政村级的云南省富源县2010—2019年肺癌死亡空间分析[J].中国肿瘤,2021,30(10):759-766.
Geostatistical Analysis of Village-level Lung Cancer Mortality from 2010 to 2019 in Fuyuan County,Yunnan Province
中文关键词  修订日期:2020-10-23
中文关键词:  肺癌  死亡率  空间聚类  煤矿床  云南
英文关键词:lung cancer  mortality rate  geologic coal deposit  spatial clustering  Yunnan
李继华 曲靖市疾病预防控制中心 
何 俊 曲靖市疾病预防控制中心 
阚强波 曲靖市第一人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 1020
全文下载次数: 170
      摘 要:[目的] 分析云南省富源县肺癌死亡的行政村级空间分布及其与不同类型煤矿的关系。[方法] 恶性肿瘤死亡数据来源于2010—2019年当地户籍居民死因监测系统,并用省、市、县级医院住院病例诊断信息补充、校正,对肺癌死亡特征进行描述与分析。应用GeoDa 1.14软件进行空间变化和空间聚类分析,并结合煤矿床地质分布进行肺癌死亡空间分析。[结果] 富源县2010—2019年肺癌死亡6 828例,中位死亡年龄65岁,肺癌粗死亡率84.1/10万。男、女性世界人口标化死亡率分别为112.4/10万和74.0/10万,0~74岁累积死亡率分别为12.83%和8.37%。各乡镇死亡差异较大,北部地区肺癌世界人口标化死亡率高于南部。基于161个行政村的全局空间自相关分析结果显示,全局 Moran’s I指数为0.505,其中女性大于男性(0.568 vs 0.431)。LISA、EB、Gi*等三种空间聚类分析显示,富源县存在着2个与烟煤亚型矿床分布相关的肺癌高死亡率空间聚集群,即东北部狭长条索状气肥煤小聚集群和中部以1/3焦煤与焦煤矿床交叉区域为中心、横跨5个乡镇的大聚集群。[结论] 富源县肺癌发病死亡具有明显的空间聚集性,较高的肺癌死亡率与煤亚型矿床的地质分布和长期室内生活燃煤污染暴露有关。使用聚集区的煤作为生活燃料具有较高肺癌发病风险,并促进肺癌死亡低龄化。
      Abstract: [Purpose] To explore the village-level spatial distribution of lung cancer mortality from 2010 to 2019 and its relationship to coal deposits in Fuyuan County.[Methods] Data of cancer deaths were extracted from local household registration system and were corrected and supplemented with hospital information system of provincial, municipal and county hospitals. The spatial variations and clustering of lung cancer mortality at village-level were analyzed using local indicators of spatial association(LISA), empirical Bayes(EB) rate and Getis-Ord Gi* statistic(Gi*) respectively with the software GeoDa version 1.14. The correlation with geologic distribution coal deposits in Fuyuan County was analyzed.[Results] From 2010 to 2019, a total of 6 828 people died of lung cancer in Fuyuan County, with a median age of 65 years and crude mortality rate of 84.1/105. The age-standardized mortality rate by Segi’s world standard population(ASMRW) were 112.4/105 for males and 74.0/105 for females. The cumulative mortality rate(0~74 years old) was 12.83% and 10.68% for males and females, respectively. There were significant differences in lung cancer mortality between the villages and towns, and the ASMRW in the north was higher than that in the south. Global spatial auto correlation analysis of 161 administrative villages showed the Moran’s I was 0.505, suggesting that the mortality of lung cancer had a spatial clustering in Fuyuan, and women were more clustered than men(Moran’s I : 0.568 vs 0.431). Spatially clustering analysis showed that there were two spatial clusters of high-mortality related to the distribution of bituminous coal subtype deposits, which were the narrow cluster of gas-fat coal in the northeast and the large cluster across 5 towns centered on the intersection of 1/3 coking coal and coking coal deposits. [Conclusion] The lung cancer mortality in Fuyuan County has obvious spatial aggregation. The higher mortality rate of lung cancer is related to the geological distribution of coal mines and the long-term exposure to coal-fired indoor pollution. The use of coal as living fuel in the cluster areas results in a high incidence of lung cancer and the younger age of lung cancer death.
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