朱云峰,王 乐,沈永洲.1977—2018年浙江省海宁市结直肠癌流行趋势分析[J].中国肿瘤,2020,29(11):833-837.
Trend of Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Haining City,Zhejiang Province from 1977 to 2018
中文关键词  修订日期:2019-11-20
中文关键词:  结直肠癌  发病率  死亡率  趋势  肿瘤登记  浙江
英文关键词:colorectal cancer  incidence  mortality  trend  cancer registry  Zhejiang
朱云峰 浙江省海宁市中医院 
王 乐 中国科学院大学附属肿瘤医院(浙江省肿瘤医院)中国科学院基础医学与肿瘤研究所 
沈永洲 浙江省海宁市中医院 
摘要点击次数: 1135
全文下载次数: 164
      摘 要:[目的] 分析浙江省海宁市居民42年结直肠发病率与死亡率变化趋势及流行特征。[方法] 根据海宁市肿瘤登记处提供的1977—2018年结直肠癌数据,计算结直肠癌发病率、死亡率,中国人口标化率(中标率)采用1982年全国标准人口构成计算,年度变化百分比(APC)及95%可信区间(95%CI)采用Joinpoint软件进行统计检验。[结果] 1977—2018年海宁市结直肠癌新发病例共4543例,发病粗率为17.17/10万,结肠癌占比为53.0%;死亡病例共2320例,死亡粗率8.77/10万,结肠癌占比为54.1%,死亡/发病比为0.51∶1;1977—1990年和2005—2018年两个不同时期相比,结直肠癌发病粗率由9.37/10万上升至28.82/10万,上升了2.07倍,死亡粗率由5.80/10万上升至13.02/10万,上升了1.24倍,结肠癌占比由37.1%上升至58.1%。经标化后,女性结直肠癌发病率呈上升趋势(P<0.05),而男性维持稳定(P>0.05);男女结肠癌死亡率均呈上升趋势(P<0.05),而直肠癌呈下降趋势(P<0.05)。[结论] 海宁市结直肠癌发病率和死亡率总体上仍呈上升趋势,应继续加强结直肠癌早诊早治和预防控制工作。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To investigate the trend of incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in Haining city from 1977 to 2018.[Methods] By using the data from the cancer registry of Haining,the crude incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer were estimated. The age-standardized rate(ASR) was calculated by using the Chinese standard population in 1982,and the annual percentage change(APC) and 95% confidence interval(CI) were analyzed with Joinpoint software. [Results] From 1977 to 2018,a total of 4743 new cases and 2320 death cases of colorectal cancer were reported in Haining,and the crude incidence and mortality were 17.17/105 and 8.77/105,respectively. The mortality to incidence ratio was 0.51∶1. Colon cancer accounted for 53.0% of all new cases and 54.1% of death cases. Compared with the period of 1977—1990,there was an increase of the crude incidence,mortality and the proportion of colon cancer in the period of 2005—2018,from 9.37/105 to 28.82/105,5.80/105 to 13.02/105,and 37.1% to 58.1%,respectively. The ASR of female incidence increased over time(P<0.05) and male incidence was stable(P>0.05). The ASR of colon cancer mortality increased over time(P<0.05) while that of rectal cancer decreased(P<0.05).[Conclusion] In Haining,the overall incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer are still increasing,and the colon cancer became predominant. Screening combined with more prevention strategies of colorectal cancer should be reinforced..
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