华召来,朱进华,戴 春.二级医院为依托的癌症早诊早治模式研究[J].中国肿瘤,2020,29(11):815-819.
Early Diagnosis and Early Treatment of Cancer Based on Secondary Hospital in Yangzhong City of Jiangsu Province
中文关键词  修订日期:2020-09-21
中文关键词:  二级医院  早诊早治  防治一体化  癌症  江苏
英文关键词:secondary hospital  early diagnosis and early treatment  integration of prevention and treatment  cancer  Jiangsu
华召来 扬中市人民医院肿瘤防治研究所 
朱进华 扬中市人民医院肿瘤防治研究所 
戴 春 扬中市人民医院肿瘤防治研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1241
全文下载次数: 235
      摘 要:扬中市是国家首批8家上消化道癌早诊早治示范点之一,自2006年正式开展上消化道癌早诊早治工程。该文探讨扬中市以二级医院扬中市人民医院为依托,开展早诊早治项目,探索防治一体化模式及其对二级医院自身的影响。认为二级医院实施早诊早治项目,防治有机结合,促进了自身综合实力的提升,该模式值得进一步推广。
      Abstract:Yangzhong city is one of the first 8 national demonstration sites for early diagnosis and early treatment of upper gastrointestinal cancer in China. The early diagnosis and early treatment program for upper gastrointestinal cancer has been implemented in Yangzhong city since 2006. Based on Yangzhong People’s Hospital,a secondary hospital in Yangzhong city,the program of early diagnosis and early treatment was carried out,and the integrated mode of prevention and treatment and its influence on the secondary hospital itself was explored. It is believed that the implementation of early diagnosis and early treatment program and the integration of prevention and treatment in secondary hospitals can promote cancer prevention and control,also improve comprehensive strength of the hospital,and this model is worth further promotion.
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