王卫东,王新正.医防融合 “老点”新姿——阳城县肿瘤医院实施医防融合工作[J].中国肿瘤,2020,29(11):813-814.
医防融合 “老点”新姿——阳城县肿瘤医院实施医防融合工作
Integration of Medical Care with Prevention in Yangcheng County Cancer Hospital
中文关键词  修订日期:2020-09-23
中文关键词:  恶性肿瘤  医防融合  农村  肿瘤高发  肿瘤防治  山西
英文关键词:malignant tumor  integration of medical care and prevention  rural area  high-risk of cancer  cancer prevention and control  Shanxi
王卫东 阳城县肿瘤医院 
王新正 阳城县肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 1149
全文下载次数: 176
      摘 要:在山西省阳城县肿瘤高发地区通过以家庭签约服务为抓手,以国家肿瘤筛查项目为载体,重视居民生活条件和行为危险因素在癌症防治中的重要作用,将“医”和“防”有效衔接,促使以疾病治疗为中心向以健康管理为中心的转变。这种“以医促防,医防融合”的农村肿瘤高发地区防治工作新模式,是降低当地居民肿瘤发病率和死亡率的有效途径。
      Abstract:Yangcheng county located in southeastern part of Shanxi province,is a high-incidence area of esophageal cancer. Through family doctor contract services and cancer screening programs,the county has improved living conditions and reduced behavioral risk factors of residents,and also integrated medical care with cancer prevention to shift the focus on disease treatment to the health management. The new pattern for cancer prevention and control is an effective way to reduce cancer incidence and mortality of local residents.
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