梁 茹,吴素慧.三级淋巴结构在妇科肿瘤中的研究进展[J].肿瘤学杂志,2024,30(11):956-962.
Research Progress on Tertiary Lymphoid Structure in Gynecological Tumors
中文关键词:  三级淋巴结构  妇科肿瘤  预后  肿瘤免疫治疗
英文关键词:tertiary lymphoid structure  gynecological tumors  prognosis  tumor immunotherapy
梁 茹 山西医科大学第三医院山西白求恩医院(山西医学科学院)同济山西医院 
吴素慧 山西医科大学第三医院山西白求恩医院(山西医学科学院)同济山西医院 
摘要点击次数: 54
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      摘 要: 三级淋巴结构(tertiary lymphoid structure,TLS)是在肿瘤、慢性感染、自身免疫性疾病等病理环境的刺激下,在非淋巴组织中形成的异位淋巴细胞聚集体。TLS与包括妇科肿瘤在内的多种实体肿瘤的良好预后有关。TLS密度、位置、成熟度及内部特征等可以预测肿瘤患者的临床预后和免疫治疗反应。目前通过诱导肿瘤相关TLS形成来促进抗肿瘤免疫产生和维持已作为一种新兴的免疫治疗方法。全文将从TLS形成、评估方法以及TLS不同妇科肿瘤中的预后作用及治疗中的价值进行综述。
      Abstract: Tertiary lymphoid structure(TLS) is an aggregate of ectopic lymphoid cells formed in non-lymphoid tissues under the stimulation of pathological environment such as tumors, chronic infections and autoimmune diseases. TLS is associated with a favorable prognosis for a variety of solid tumors, including gynecological tumors. The study of different TLS states in tumors, such as density, location, maturity and internal characteristics can predict the clinical prognosis and immunotherapy response of cancer patients. At present, inducing tumor-associated TLS formation has been used as a new immunotherapy modality to promote the production and maintenance of anti-tumor immunity. This paper reviews the formation, evaluation methods, prognostic effect and therapeutic value of TLS in different gynecological tumors.
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