任志英,赵 鑫,田 龙.前列腺癌图像引导放疗中辅助装置的应用研究进展[J].肿瘤学杂志,2024,30(8):687-694.
Advances on the Application of Auxiliary Device in Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
中文关键词:  前列腺癌  图像引导放疗  基准标志物  水凝胶
英文关键词:prostate cancer  image guided radiotherapy  fiducial marker  hydrogel
任志英 河北北方学院附属第一医院 
赵 鑫 河北北方学院附属第一医院 
田 龙 河北北方学院附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 161
全文下载次数: 47
      摘 要:随着医学影像、图像处理和材料工程等相关技术的发展,前列腺癌图像引导放疗中各类辅助装置实现了更新换代。这些放疗辅助装置中以基准标志物和水凝胶最具代表性。基于基准标志物的图像匹配和校准技术提高了前列腺癌图像引导放疗中靶区位置准确度,使患者获得了更高的治疗增益。通过注入水凝胶增加了前列腺与直肠前壁的距离,从而大幅降低了直肠毒性。各类型基准标志物中液态基准标志物最具临床价值,其应用将成为未来前列腺癌图像引导放疗中的研究重点。水凝胶的应用过程需严密的监控,从而保证其临床价值得以实现。全文就各类型基准标志物和水凝胶在前列腺癌图像引导放疗中的应用进展进行综述。
      Abstract: Various auxiliary devices in image-guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer have been upgraded, with the development of related technologies such as medical imaging, image processing, and material engineering. Among these radiotherapy auxiliary devices, fiducial marker and hydrogel are the most representative. The image matching and calibration technology based on fiducial marker have improved the accuracy of target location in prostate cancer image-guided radiotherapy. It enables the patients to achieve higher treatment gains. The distance between the prostate and the anterior wall of the rectum can be increased by hydrogel injection, which significantly reduces the rectal toxicity. Liquid fiducial marker has the most clinical value among various types of fiducial marker. Its application would become a research focus in future prostate cancer image-guided radiotherapy. The application process of hydrogel need to be closely monitored to ensure the realization of its clinical value. In this paper, the application progress of various types of fiducial marker and hydrogels in image-guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer is reviewed.
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