The Standard Quality Control Indicators and Scoring Standards for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Zhejiang Province (2024 Edition)
中文关键词:  乳腺肿瘤  规范诊疗  质控指标  评分标准  浙江
英文关键词:breast neoplasms  standardized diagnosis and treatment  quality control indicators  scoring standards  Zhejiang
邵喜英 浙江省肿瘤医院 
杨红健 浙江省肿瘤医院 
曹飞麟 浙江省台州医院 
摘要点击次数: 74
全文下载次数: 44
      摘 要:为了进一步加强乳腺癌规范化诊治能力,实现乳腺癌诊疗一体化、标准化和同质化,浙江省乳腺癌质控专家委员会结合《中国乳腺癌规范诊疗质量控制指标(2022版)》及浙江省乳腺癌诊疗现状,经过多次讨论、实践与修正,制定了《浙江省乳腺癌规范诊疗质量控制指标与评分标准(2024版)》,内容涵盖诊断、手术、药物治疗、放疗及其他管理等共27条质量控制指标及评分标准。该质量控制指标及评分标准将成为浙江省乳腺癌质控巡讲、检查和考核的主要依据,推动乳腺癌诊治工作高质量发展。
      Abstract: In order to further strengthen the standardized diagnosis and treatment capacity of breast cancer in Zhejiang Province, and realize the integration, standardization and homogenization of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Zhejiang Province, the Breast Cancer Quality Control Expert Committee of Zhejiang Province has formulated the Standard Quality Control Indicators and Scoring Standards for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Zhejiang Province (2024 Edition) based on the Chinese Breast Cancer Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment Quality Control Indicators (2022 version) and the current situation of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Zhejiang Province. This standard quality control indicators and scoring standards covering 27 items quality control indicators and scoring standards for diagnosis, surgery, drug therapy, radiotherapy and other management. The quality control indicators and scoring standards will become the main basis for quality control tour, inspection and assessment of breast cancer in Zhejiang Province, and promote the high-quality development of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in Zhejiang Province.
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