李 聪,周昌明.不同分子亚型弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤对硼替佐米联合R-CHOP(RB-CHOP)方案的疗效存在差异:REMoDL-B研究5年随访结果解读[J].肿瘤学杂志,2023,29(6):530-536.
Differential Efficacy from the Addition of Bortezomib to R-CHOP(RB-CHOP) in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma According to the Molecular Subgroup: Interpretation of the Results of 5-Year Follow-Up in the REMoDL-B Study
中文关键词:  弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤  硼替佐米  R-CHOP  适应性设计
英文关键词:diffuse large B cell lymphoma  bortezomib  R-CHOP  adaptive design
李 聪 浙江省肿瘤医院中国科学院杭州医学研究所 
周昌明 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 
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      摘 要:REMoDL-B研究是一项开放标签、多中心、Ⅲ期适应性试验,在英国和瑞士的107家中心开展。研究对比了硼替佐米联合R-CHOP(RB-CHOP)方案与传统R-CHOP方案一线治疗弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)患者的疗效与安全性,同时进行了分子分型与基因检测,以进一步探索高危人群的治疗获益情况。2019年5月研究首先公布了随访30个月的研究结果:R-CHOP和RB-CHOP组的PFS和OS差异均无明显统计学意义[hazard ratio(HR)=0.86,95%CI:0.65~1.13]。研究后续对患者肿瘤组织进行了基因表达谱检测,并根据基因状态进行了再分类。共801例患者通过GEP检测被分入活化B细胞(activated B-cell ,ABC)组、生发中心B细胞组(germinal center B-cell,GCB)组和分子学高级别(molecular high-grade,MHG)组。2023年,研究公布了中位随访至64个月的最新结果,在所有成功分类的患者中,RB-CHOP组在无进展时间(progression-free survival,PFS)和总生存时间(overall survival,OS)方面均没有总体获益(5年PFS:HR=0.81,P=0.085;5年OS:HR=0.86,P=0.320),但ABC亚型的PFS和OS均有显著改善,MHG亚型的PFS也有获益。ABC亚型中,R-CHOP 组和 RB-CHOP 组的60个月PFS分别为54.4%和69.4%(HR=0.65,95%CI:0.43~0.98,P=0.041),60个月OS分别为67.4%和80.4%(HR=0.58,95%CI:0.35~0.95,P=0.032);MHG亚型中,R-CHOP 组和 RB-CHOP 组60个月 PFS分别为29.3%和54.9%(HR=0.46,95%CI:0.26~0.84,P=0.011),60个月OS分别为47.5%和60.0%(HR=0.62,95%CI:0.32~1.20,P=0.160)。GCB亚组患者中,PFS和OS都没有显著改善。REMoDL-B研究提示,通过分子生物学检测进一步指导高危人群的筛选,并针对性给予R-CHOP+X的治疗模式在DLBCL患者一线治疗中具有一定的意义。
      Abstract: REMoDL-B study was an open-label, randomized, phase Ⅲ adaptive trial, which recruited from 107 cancer centers in the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The REMoDL-B study compared the efficacy and safety of Bortezomib combined with R-CHOP(tuximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone)(RB-CHOP) regimen and the traditional R-CHOP regimen in the first-line treatment of patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL). At the same time, molecular typing and genetic testing were carried out to further explore the treatment benefits of high-risk groups. In May 2019, the study first released the results of a 30 months follow-up: there was no statistically significant difference in progression-free survival(PFS) and overall survival(OS) between the R-CHOP and RB-CHOP groups [hazard ratio(HR)=0.86, 95%CI: 0.65~1.13]. And the gene expression profiling(GEP) of the tumor tissues were detected and reclassified according to the gene status. Eight hundred and one patients were divided into activated B-cell(ABC) group, germinal center B-cell(GCB) group and molecular high grade(MHG). In 2023, REMoDL-B study released the updated results at a median follow-up of 64 months. Among all successfully classified patients, the RB-CHOP group did not have benefits on PFS and OS(5-year PFS: HR=0.81, P=0.085; 5-year OS: HR=0.86, P=0.320), but there was a significant improvement in PFS and OS for the ABC group, as well as PFS for the MHG group.In the ABC group, the 5-year PFS in the R-CHOP group and RB-CHOP group was 54.4% and 69.4%, respectively(HR=0.65, 95%CI: 0.43~0.98, P=0.041), and the 5-year OS was 67.4% and 80.4%, respectively(HR=0.58, 95%CI:0.35~0.95, P=0.032). In the MHG group, the 5-year PFS in the R-CHOP group and RB-CHOP group was 29.3% and 54.9%, respectively(HR=0.46, 95%CI: 0.26~0.84, P=0.011), and the 5-year OS was 47.5% and 60.0%, respectively(HR=0.62, 95%CI: 0.32~1.20, P=0.160). In the GCB group, There was no significant improvement in PFS and OS. REMoDL-B study indicated that molecular biological tests might help to further guide the screening of high-risk groups, and chemotherapy regimens by the addition of novel drugs to R-CHOP had promising activity in DLBCL patients.
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