赵 雪,申维喜,范承娟,等.晚期肝细胞癌免疫治疗及射频消融的研究进展[J].肿瘤学杂志,2022,28(6):510-516.
Research Progress of Immunotherapy and Radiofrequency Ablation for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
中文关键词:  肝细胞肝癌  免疫疗法  免疫检查点抑制剂  射频消融  联合疗法
英文关键词:hepatocellular carcinoma  immunotherapy  immune checkpoint inhibitors  radiofrequency ablation  combination therapy
赵 雪 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 
申维喜 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 
范承娟 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 
信 涛 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 
摘要点击次数: 431
全文下载次数: 148
      摘 要:肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)约占原发性肝癌的75%~85%。HCC发病率高,早期诊断率低,预后较差。高达70%~80%的患者在确诊时已处于中晚期,5年生存率仅18%。免疫治疗是晚期HCC的重要治疗方法之一,射频消融也是重要的局部介入治疗方法。射频消融可直接作用于肿瘤,通过局部治疗毁损病灶,暴露抗原,引起自身免疫反应,联合免疫治疗协同激活全身免疫系统,助力免疫治疗。因此,免疫治疗联合个体化射频消融治疗成为了一种新兴的治疗策略。全文综述HCC的免疫治疗、射频消融治疗以及两种方式联合治疗的研究进展。
      Abstract: Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) accounts for about 75% to 85% of primary liver malignancies. For HCC, the incidence is high, early diagnosis rate is low and prognosis is poor. Up to 70%~80% of patients are in the middle or late stage when diagnosed, and the 5-year survival rate is only 18%. For advanced HCC, immunotherapy is one of the important therapeutic modalities and radiofrequency ablation is an important local interventional therapy. Radiofrequency ablation as a local treatment method can directly act on tumors, also cause autoimmune reactions through exposure to antigens from the destroyed tumor cells. Immunotherapy with concurrent radiofrequency ablation can synergistically activate the systemic immune system and enhance the effects of immunotherapy. Therefore, the combination of these two therapies has become an emerging therapeutic strategy. This article reviews the research progress of immunotherapy, radiofrequency ablation and their combination for advanced HCC.
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