李 俊,杨之斌,高 屹.细菌生物膜:结直肠癌发生发展的重要参与者[J].肿瘤学杂志,2021,27(4):294-298.
Bacterial Biofilm:An Important Participant in the Development of Colorectal Cancer
中文关键词:  细菌生物膜  结直肠肿瘤  临界点  致病机制
英文关键词:bacterial biofilm  colorectal cancer  critical point  pathogenic mechanism
李 俊 昆明医科大学第三附属医院 
杨之斌 昆明医科大学第三附属医院 
高 屹 昆明医科大学第三附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1006
全文下载次数: 297
      摘 要:结直肠癌的发病与许多危险因素有关,最近的研究表明细菌生物膜可能在结直肠癌发病过程中发挥着重要作用。生物膜是指附着在生物或非生物表面聚合物基质中的微生物群落聚合体,生物膜的形成可能通过增强细菌介导的基因毒性、增高宿主体内致癌代谢物及调节免疫炎症反应等机制促进结直肠癌发生及发展,细菌生物膜可以认为是健康和疾病的肠道之间的临界点。全文就近年来国内外关于细菌生物膜与结肠癌发生、发展研究的有关热点问题进行概述,为细菌生物膜相关研究和结肠癌的预防、诊断及治疗提供理论参考。
      Abstract:The incidence of colorectal cancer is associated with many risk factors. Recent studies have shown that bacterial biofilms may play an important role in the pathogenesis of colon cancer. Biofilms are aggregates of microbial communities attached to a polymer matrix on biological or non-biological surfaces. The formation of biofilm may promote the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer through mechanisms such as enhancing bacteria-mediated genotoxicity,increasing carcinogenic metabolites in the host,and regulating immune inflammatory response. Bacterial biofilm can be considered as the tipping point between healthy and diseased intestines.In this paper,some hot issues about the relationship between bacterial biofilm and the occurrence and development of colon cancer in recent years are summarized,to provide reference for the research on bacterial biofilm,and the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer.
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