黄江标,韦 艳,张志敏.Let-7 miRNA家族:一种潜在的免疫治疗靶点[J].肿瘤学杂志,2020,26(11):929-934.
Let-7 miRNA家族:一种潜在的免疫治疗靶点
Let-7 miRNA Family:A Potential Target for Immunotherapy
中文关键词:  let-7  miRNA  肿瘤  免疫治疗
英文关键词:let-7  miRNA  tumor  immunotherapy
黄江标 武汉科技大学医学院 
韦 艳 武汉科技大学医学院 
张志敏 中国人民解放军中部战区总医院 
摘要点击次数: 4073
全文下载次数: 179
      摘 要:肿瘤免疫治疗是目前肿瘤治疗研究进展的最新热点,寻找新的免疫治疗靶点为未来开发新的有效抗癌药物提供了支持。let-7家族是一种新型 miRNA,可通过参与调节免疫细胞的代谢、成熟及活化过程,调控免疫系统的免疫杀伤效应,被认为可能是一种免疫治疗新的靶点分子。全文综述let-7与免疫系统中的效应细胞之间的相互作用及其机制,为未来寻找新的免疫治疗靶点提供参考。
      Abstract:Immunotherapy is a hot topic in the field of tumor therapy,and to search new targets of immunotherapy will provide support for the development of new effective anticancer drugs in the future. Let-7 family,as one type of miRNAs,can regulate the progress of metabolism,maturation and activation of immune cells,so as to modulate anti-tumor effect of the immune system,which is considered as a new target molecule of immunotherapy. In this paper,we reviewed the interaction between let-7 and effector cells in the immune system and its mechanism,which may provide a reliable reference for finding new targets of immunotherapy in the future.
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