张同庆,孔为民,宋 丹.卵巢上皮性癌FIGO 2013年分期和1988年分期比较研究[J].肿瘤学杂志,2019,25(7):597-602.
卵巢上皮性癌FIGO 2013年分期和1988年分期比较研究
Comparison Between FIGO 2013 and 1988 Staging System for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
中文关键词:  卵巢上皮性癌  国际妇产科联盟  分期  生存率
英文关键词:epithelial ovarian cancer  FIGO  staging system  survival rate
张同庆 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 
孔为民 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 
宋 丹 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 
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      摘 要:[目的] 探讨卵巢上皮性癌FIGO 2013年分期变化的合理性。[方法] 选取536例卵巢上皮性癌患者初治病例,整理和分析其临床病理和随访资料,按照FIGO 2013年分期标准进行重新分期,通过比较各期5年生存率以评价2013年分期的合理性。[结果] (1)2013年分期中,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期各期总体数量未发生变化,总体比较Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期生存率有统计学差异。(2)1988年分期中,5年生存率分别为ⅠA期91.4%、ⅠB期84.2%、ⅠC期77.9%(P<0.05),Ⅰ期各亚期5年生存率差异有统计学意义;ⅡC期66.4%(ⅡA期仅4例、ⅡB期仅6例);ⅢA期48.6%、ⅢB期43.2%、ⅢC期37.9%;Ⅳ期7.4%。(3)2013年分期中,5年生存率分别为ⅠA期91.4%、ⅠB期84.2%、ⅠC1期80.7%、ⅠC2期78.3%、ⅠC3期75.4%(P<0.05);ⅠC1、ⅠC2、ⅠC3期之间5年生存率差异无统计学意义;ⅡA期74.4%、ⅡB期61.3%(P<0.05);ⅢA1期53.6%、ⅢA2期43.6%、ⅢB期38.2%、ⅢC期23.4%,ⅢA1、ⅢA2期5年生存率之间差异有统计学意义;ⅢA1、ⅢA2、ⅢB、ⅢC期之间5年生存率差异有统计学意义;ⅣA期15.6%、ⅣB期11.4%(P>0.05)。[结论] 1988年分期和2013年分期各期5年生存率从总体上比较有统计学差异,能够比较有效地区分各期预后的差别。2013年分期中的ⅠC期分为ⅠC1、ⅠC2、ⅠC3亚期并不能更好地评估预后。研究结果支持2013年分期中将ⅢA期分为ⅢA1、ⅢA2亚期。2013年分期将Ⅳ期分为ⅣA、ⅣB期似乎并不合理。
      Abstract:[Objective] To evaluate the rationality of the reassignment of FIGO 2013 staging system for epithelial ovarian cancer. [Methods] The clinical data in 536 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer were collected and sorted. Patients were categorized again according to FIGO 2013 staging system. The rationality of FIGO 2013 staging system was assessed through the 5-year survival rate of the sub-stages. [Results] The overall number of the stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ was not changed in the FIGO 2013 staging system. The overall survival rate was significant difference. In the FIGO 1988 staging system:the 5-year survival rate was 91.4% in stage ⅠA,84.2% in stage ⅠB,77.9% in stage ⅠC(P<0.05),the 5-year survival rate of stage ⅡC was 66.4%(there were only 4 cases of stage ⅡA and 6 cases of sage ⅡB),the 5-year survival of stage Ⅲ was 48.6% in stage ⅢA,43.2% in stage ⅢB,37.9% in stage ⅢC,the 5-year survival rate of stage Ⅳ was 7.4%. In the FIGO 2013 staging system:the 5-year survival was 91.4% in stage ⅠA,84.2% in stage ⅠB,80.7% in stage ⅠC1,78.3% in stage ⅠC2,75.4% stage ⅠC3(P<0.05). The curves representing the stage ⅠC1,ⅠC2,IC3 showed no significant difference between each other(P>0.05),the 5-year survival of was 74.4% in stage ⅡA,61.3% in stage ⅡB(P<0.05),the 5-year survival was 53.6% in stage ⅢA1,43.6% in stage ⅢA2,38.2% in stage ⅢB,23.4% in stage ⅢC,there was significant differences between stage ⅢA1 and stage ⅢA2(P<0.05). The curves representing the stage ⅢA1,stage ⅢA2,stage ⅢB,stage ⅢC showed significant difference between each other(P<0.05),The 5-year survival was 15.6% in stage ⅣA,11.4% in stage ⅣB(P>0.05). [Conclusions] The 5-year survival rates of 1988 and 2013 staging can effectively differ the prognosis of all stages. But stage ⅠC1,stage ⅠC2,stage ⅠC3 in the FIGO 2013 staging system can not effectively differ the prognosis. This study supports that it seems unreasonable that the stage ⅢA is categorized into stage ⅢA1,stage ⅢA2 in FIGO 1988 staging and the stage Ⅳ is categorized into stage ⅣA,stage ⅣB in the FIGO 2013 staging system.
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