周铁成,郑 巧,张培彤.原发性肺癌热证量化诊断标准的探索性研究[J].肿瘤学杂志,2018,24(9):883-887.
Establishment of Quantitative Diagnostic Criteria for Heat Syndrome in Patients with Primary Lung Cancer:An Exploratory Study
中文关键词:  原发性肺癌  热证  诊断标准
英文关键词:primary lung cancer  heat syndrome  diagnostic criteria
周铁成 四川省中西医结合医院 
郑 巧 成都中医药大学附属医院 
张培彤 中国中医科学院广安门医院 
摘要点击次数: 2376
全文下载次数: 282
      摘 要:[目的] 初步建立原发性肺癌热证分级量化诊断标准。[方法] 根据原发性肺癌热证组和非热证组中四诊指标出现的频率,运用条件概率换算法建立指标赋分表,运用最大似然判别法确定热证量化诊断阈值,然后对量化诊断标准进行检验,最后初步建立肺癌热证诊断标准。[结果] 肺癌量化诊断标准阈值为60分;程度分级标准:指标积分<60~91分为轻度,指标积分91~121分为中度,指标积分>121分为重度。量化诊断标准回顾性和前瞻性检验的敏感度、特异性、准确率均>90%。阳性似然比分别为10.15、8.16,阴性似然比分别为3.25%、4.65%。[结论] 运用大样本临床流行病学研究方法初步建立了一个客观的肺癌热证量化诊断标准。
      Abstract:[Objective ] To establish quantitative criteria for heat syndrome in patients with primary lung cancer. [Methods] According to the frequency of presenting heat syndrome the patients with primary lung cancer were classified as heat syndrome group and non-heat syndrome group. The diagnostic score table was formed by conditional probability,the quantized diagnostic threshold was set by using the maximum likelihood methods,then the diagnostic criteria of primary lung cancer heat syndrome was established. [Results] The diagnostic criteria threshold of heat syndrome in primary lung cancer was 60,60~90 was classified as mild heat syndrome,91~120 as moderate heat syndrome,and ≥121 as severe heat syndrome. The sensitivity,specificity,accuracy rate of retrospective and prospective examination were all >90%. The positive likelihood ratio was 10.15 and 8.16 and the negative likelihood ratio was 3.25% and 4.65%. [Conclusion] A quantitative diagnostic criteria for lung cancer heat syndrome has been established in this study.
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