Her-2 FISH Classification of Equivocal Her-2 IHC Breast Cancer with 2013 ASCO/CAP Guideline
中文关键词:  Her-2  FISH  IHC2+  ASCO/CAP指南
英文关键词:Her-2  FISH  IHC2+  2013 ASCO/CAP guideline
刘思诗 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 
陈可心 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 
耿敬姝 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2004
全文下载次数: 586
      摘 要:[目的]探讨2013年ASCO/CAP指南对IHC2+乳腺癌患者Her-2FISH分类的影响。[方法] 采用荧光原位杂交法检测173例Her-2免疫组化2+的乳腺癌患者的Her-2基因的状态并应用2013年ASCO/CAP指南的标准对检测结果进行分析。[结果] 与2007年检测指南相比,使用2013年检测指南使36例患者发生了变化,取得了较高的阳性率(28.3% vs. 23.1%)和不确定率(16.2% vs. 4.0%),阴性比例下降(55.5% vs. 72.8%)。[结论] 2013年指南的使用提高了阳性率和不确定患者的比例,从而提高了Her-2靶向治疗的病例数。FISH对于IHC2+的患者能够起到最后分类的作用,而17号染色体多体在FISH不确定的患者中占很大的比例。
      Abstract:[Objective] To explore the ASCO/CAP guidelines for 2013 IHC2+ Her-2 FISH breast cancer classification. [Methods] Using fluorescence in situ-hybridization method to detect 173 cases of Her-2 immunohistochemical 2+ breast cancer patients in the state of the Her-2 gene ASCO/CAP guidelines of 2013 standard and applied to analyze test results.[Results] Compared with the testing guidelines in 2007,and 2013 were used to detect guidelines also resulted in the changes of 36 patients,the higher positive rate (28.3% vs. 23.1%) and the uncertain rate (16.2% vs. 4.0%),negative percentage (55.5% vs. 72.8%).[Conclusion] 2013 guidelines can improve the positive rate and the proportion of patients with uncertain,thus raise the number of cases of Her-2 targeted therapy,FISH for IHC2+ patients can have the effect of the final classification,and polysomy 17 in FISH make up a large proportion of patients with uncertainty.
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