The Role of Plasma miRNAs Detection in the Early Screening of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
中文关键词:  miRNAs  原发性肝细胞癌  血浆  标志物  RT-qPCR
英文关键词:miRNAs  hepatocellular carcinoma  plasma  markers  RT-qPCR
刘志虎 河北医科大学附属邢台市人民医院 
董淑晓 邢台市第三医院 
张振亮 河北医科大学附属邢台市人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 2016
全文下载次数: 570
      摘 要:[目的] 探讨血浆miRNAs水平检测在原发性肝细胞癌早期筛查中的作用。[方法] 采用TaqMan低密度芯片(TaqMan Low Density Array)的方法,筛选出候选可作为原发性肝细胞癌早期筛查的miRNAs标志物,并采用 RT-qPCR 方法在98例原发性肝细胞癌样本中进行验证。[结果] 5个候选miRNAs在HCC患者血浆中的表达与对照组相比显差异有统计学意义,其中miR-21(病例组ΔCt =5.8675±1.3561,对照组ΔCt =8.5214±1.8956)、miR-222(病例组ΔCt =6.2568±2.5842,对照组ΔCt =9.2354±1.5627)、miR-18(病例组ΔCt =9.4237±2.4785,对照组ΔCt =12.5862±0.9852)在病例组中的表达量高于对照组,miR-16(病例组ΔCt =13.4211±1.2258,对照组ΔCt =8.4251±0.8625)、miR-451a(病例组ΔCt =8.2358±1.2372,对照组ΔCt =5.2666±1.1656)在病例组中的表达量低于对照组;miR-21在对照组、Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲ期及以上组中表达量存在差异性,呈现递增趋势(P<0.05),miR-16在对照组、Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲ期及以上组中表达量存在差异性,呈现递减趋势(P<0.05)。[结论]患者血浆miRNAs表达的差异可能可作为原发性肝细胞癌早期筛查的血浆学分子标志物。
      Abstract:[Objective] To investigate the role of plasma miRNAs detection in early screening of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). [Methods] There were 98 cases with HCC were selected for searching the miRNAs markers for early screening by RT-qPCR method. [Results ]Five candidate miRNAs expressed in HCC patients were significantly different with that expressed in the control group. Compared with the control group,MiR-21(HCC group ΔCt=5.8675±1.3561,control group ΔCt=8.5214±1.8956),miR-222 (HCC group ΔCt=6.2568±2.5842,control group ΔCt=9.2354±1.5627) and miR-18 (HCC group ΔCt=9.4237±2.4785,control group ΔCt=12.5862±0.9852 ) were expressed significantly higher than those in the HCC group,at the same time,miR-16 (HCC group ΔCt=13.4211±1.2258,control group ΔCt=8.4251±0.8625) and miR-451a (HCC group ΔCt=8.2358±1.2372,control group ΔCt=5.2666±1.1656) were expressed lower than those in the HCC group;MiR-21 expressed in the control group and HCC group( respectively stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ) were showing an increasing trend (P<0.05),while miR-16 in these groups were showing a decreasing trend (P<0.05). [Conclusion] Differences of miRNAs expressed in the HCC patients might serve as the plasma molecular markers of HCC for early screening.
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