Inhibition Effect of Lapatinib Combined with Taxol on Human Gastric Cancer Cells NCI-N87
中文关键词:  胃肿瘤  NCI-N87  拉帕替尼  紫杉醇
英文关键词:gastric neoplasms  NCI-N87  lapatinib  paclitaxel
荣海芳 哈尔滨市第一医院 
王立国 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院 
白玉贤 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 
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      摘 要:[目的] 研究拉帕替尼联合紫杉醇不同给药顺序对人胃癌细胞NCI-N87产生的不同抑制效应,探讨两者的最佳联合方案。[方法] MTT方法检测单独应用拉帕替尼、紫杉醇及两药不同联合方案对人胃癌细胞NCI-N87的增殖抑制作用,计算半数抑制浓度(IC50)和联合指数(CI),确定最佳联合方案。流式细胞技术检测拉帕替尼与紫杉醇不同给药顺序对人胃癌细胞NCI-N87细胞周期和凋亡率的影响。[结果] 拉帕替尼和紫杉醇单独应用对人胃癌细胞NCI-N87均有抑制作用,而两药联合作用受给药顺序影响,紫杉醇先于拉帕替尼给药两者CI值<1表现协同效应。拉帕替尼和紫杉醇作用于胃癌细胞NCI-N87,细胞周期分别阻滞于G1期和G2-M期;两者联合时受给药顺序影响:紫杉醇先于拉帕替尼组与拉帕替尼先于紫杉醇组相比G2-M期明显延长,凋亡率显著增加。[结论] 拉帕替尼与紫杉醇对人胃癌细胞NCI-N87增殖抑制作用的最佳联合方案为先予紫杉醇诱导再序贯拉帕替尼,此方案可获得较高的凋亡率。
      Abstract:[Purpose] to investigate the different inhibiting effect of different dosing sequence for lapatinib combined taxol in human gastric cancer cells NCI-N87.[Methods] Cell proliferation inhibition of single application for lapa,taxol and different combination of the two drugs in NCI-N87 was detected by MTT method,and half inhibitory concentration(IC50) and combined index (CI) were calculated to determine the best combination. Cell cycle and apoptosis rate of lapa and taxol different dosing sequence on the human gastric cancer cells NCI-N87 were detected by flow cytometry technology test. [Results] Both lapa and paclitaxel alone had inhibition effect on human gastric cancer cells NCI-N87,and two drugs combination influenced by dosing sequence. The CI value of lapatinib administration prior to paclitaxel was less than 1,which meant cooperative effect. The cell cycle blocked in G1 and G2-M after administrated by lapa and paclitaxel respectively,and both jointly influenced by dosing sequence. Compared with lapatinib administration prior to paclitaxel,paclitaxel administration prior to lapatinib had higher apoptosis rate. [Conclusion] The optimal combination scheme of proliferation inhibition of lapa and paclitaxel on human gastric cancer cells NCI-N87 is paclitaxel administration prior to lapatinib,which has higher apoptosis rate.
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