Logistic Regression Model Analysis on Diagnostic Efficiency of Automated Breast Volume Imaging (ABVS) for Breast Disease
中文关键词:  全自动乳腺容积成像  乳腺疾病  诊断  Logistic回归模型
英文关键词:automated breast volume imaging(ABVS)  breast disease  diagnosis  Logistic regression model
丁春霞 张家口市妇幼保健院 
刘凤霞 张家口市妇幼保健院 
王海平 张家口市妇幼保健院 
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全文下载次数: 934
      摘 要:[目的] 探讨全自动乳腺容积成像(ABVS)对乳腺病灶诊断效果,及影响诊断效果的危险因素。[方法] 经过手术或穿刺病理检查证实的40例乳腺病灶患者使用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪进行常规超声、彩色超声与ABVS等,并对变量进行回归分析。[结果] 常规超声诊断乳腺良、恶性病灶的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为:86.4%、87.1%、86.9%、70.5%、94.7%。ABVS诊断乳腺疾病的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为96.1%、91.9%、94.5%、74.0%、94.1%。经Logistic回归分析,“火山口”征,病灶内微小钙化,病灶边缘、患者年龄对乳腺恶性病灶的诊断效能高。[结论] ABVS系统基于乳腺全容积扫查的特点,有助于提高超声医师对乳腺病变的检出率。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To investigate the diagnostic efficiency of automated breast volume imaging (ABVS) for breast disease and the impact of risk factors on the diagnostic efficiency.[Methods] Forty cases with breast disease pathologically proven after surgery or biopsy underwent conventional ultrasound,color ultrasound and ABVS using color Doppler ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus. The variables were regressively analyzed. [Results] The sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive value,and negative predictive value of conventional ultrasound in the diagnosis for benign and malignant breast lesions were 86.4%,87.1%,86.9%,70.5% and 94.7% respectively,and those of ABVS were 96.1%,91.9%,94.5%,74% and 94.1% respectively. By Logistic regression model analysis,“Volcano” syndrome,microcalcification within lesion,margin of lesion,age of patients had high diagnostic efficiency for malignant breast lesions. [Conclusion] Based on the characteristic of whole breast volume scanning,ABVS is helpful to improve detection rate for breast lesions.
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