A case of primary pulmonary lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma
投稿时间:2024-12-20  修订日期:2025-02-09
中文关键词:  原发性肺淋巴上皮瘤样癌  EBV;肺鳞癌
英文关键词:primary pulmonary lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma  EBV  lung squamous cell carcinoma
庞坚铭 天台县人民医院 317200
鲍秋红* 天台县人民医院 317200
陈青青 天台县人民医院 
吴安琪 天台县人民医院 
吴苏雯 天台县人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 42
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      目的:提高对肺淋巴上皮瘤样癌临床特点、诊断及治疗的认识。方法:报道2022年10月22日天台县人民医院收治的l例原发性肺淋巴上皮瘤样癌术后复发,并复习国内外相关文献。结果:患者,女性,70岁。无烟酒嗜好史。因咳嗽就诊查胸部CT增强提示右肺中叶内侧段软组织肿块影,相应支气管闭塞。气管镜提示右中叶开口新生物。行右中肺癌根治术(右中肺袖状切除+纵膈淋巴结清扫+心包部分切除术),术后病理:右肺中央型淋巴上皮瘤样癌,免疫组化:EB 病毒编码的小RNA(EBER)(4+)。术后2年余后出现复发伴胸膜、淋巴结转移,予化疗免疫2周期后出现肿瘤基本完全退缩,目前长期生存获益中。此病常见咳嗽、胸痛症状。肿块较大时CT可见容易侵犯支气管、血管及淋巴结转移。病理特征性表现为间质间分布大量淋巴浆细胞,组织EBER检测阳性。早期术后预后相较于其他亚型肺癌预后更好,术后复发少见,术后复发晚期免疫检查点抑制剂(immunology checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)治疗可能带来生存获益。结论:肺淋巴上皮瘤样癌是一种罕见的与EBV相关的肺部恶性肿瘤,临床和影像学表现无特征性,预后较其他NSCLC亚型好,晚期患者ICIs治疗可能带来长期生存获益。
      Objective: To improve the understanding of the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of pulmonary lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma. Method: On October 22, 2022, a case of postoperative recurrence of primary pulmonary lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma admitted to Tiantai County People""s Hospital was reported, and relevant literature at home and abroad was reviewed. Result: Patient, female, 70 years old. History of smokeless drinking habits. Due to coughing, a chest CT scan showed a soft tissue mass shadow in the medial segment of the middle lobe of the right lung, corresponding to bronchial occlusion. Tracheoscopy indicates a new growth in the right middle lobe opening. Performing radical surgery for right middle lung cancer (right middle lung sleeve resection+mediastinal lymph node dissection+partial pericardial resection), postoperative pathology: central type lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma of the right lung, immunohistochemistry: small RNA encoded by EB virus (EBER) (4+). More than 2 years after surgery, recurrence accompanied by pleural and lymph node metastasis occurred. After 2 cycles of chemotherapy and immunization, the tumor almost completely retreated, and long-term survival benefits are currently being gained. This disease often presents with cough and chest pain symptoms. When the mass is large, CT can easily show invasion of bronchi, blood vessels, and lymph node metastasis. The pathological features include a large number of lymphatic plasma cells distributed in the interstitium and positive EBER detection in the tissue. Early postoperative prognosis is better compared to other subtypes of lung cancer, and postoperative recurrence is rare. Late stage treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) may bring survival benefits. Conclusion: Pulmonary lymphoepitheliomatous carcinoma is a rare lung malignancy associated with EBV, with no distinctive clinical and imaging features, and a better prognosis than other NSCLC subtypes. ICIs treatment for advanced patients may bring long-term survival benefits.
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