A case report of follicular thyroid carcinoma combined with jugular vein thrombosis
投稿时间:2024-04-24  修订日期:2024-06-10
中文关键词:  甲状腺癌 滤泡状癌 颈内静脉癌栓
英文关键词:Thyroid cancer follicular carcinoma Carcinoma thrombus of internal jugular vein
张曙光 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 100053
赵烨 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 
赵菁 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 
李开富 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 
王亚军 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 
任胤朋 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 
康骅* 首都医科大学宣武医院 普通外科 100053
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      背景 甲状腺滤泡状癌是分化型甲状腺癌中第二常见的恶性肿瘤,相比于甲状腺乳头状癌,其更易于侵袭血管,通过血行转移播散全身。虽然其可发生微血管浸润,但很少累及颈内静脉或颈部其他的大血管。 病例信息 患者,女性,56岁,主因“体检发现甲状腺结节半月余”就诊我院。临床检查发现患者右侧甲状腺可触及异常肿大包块,超声示右侧甲状腺癌及颈部淋巴结转移癌可能,同时右侧颈内静脉内可见癌栓形成。术前穿刺病理提示右侧甲状腺滤泡状癌及颈部淋巴结转移癌。手术方案为双侧甲状腺全切+颈部淋巴结清扫术+右颈内静脉离断术,术后患者恢复顺利,并进一步接受了RAI治疗。 讨论 肿瘤癌栓更易见于易发生微血管浸润的恶性肿瘤,而甲状腺癌中以甲状腺滤泡状癌常见,其易于侵袭颈内静脉或其他大血管,可导致上腔静脉综合征或肿瘤血行播散。其主要分为血管腔内蔓延型和直接浸润侵犯型,其发生与预后密切相关。甲状腺及颈部血管超声对此类情况诊断价值很高,但是很多时候易发生误诊或漏诊,部分依靠于术中诊断,而颈部增强CT/MRI可为诊断及手术方案设计提供更多参考。颈内静脉癌栓的存在预示更差的临床结局,包括更高的部分复发与远处转移率,完整甲状腺手术切除以及颈内静脉修补或重建是更好的选择。术后除TSH抑制治疗外,是否行放射性碘131(RAI)治疗取决于有否肿瘤病灶残存和远处转移,本患者因有肺转移术后2月行RAI。 总结 甲状腺滤泡状癌发生颈内静脉癌栓是非常少见且严重的并发症,对于此类疾病诊断,术前使用超声检查是可取的,但是很多时候易发生误诊或漏诊,需综合颈部CT/MRI,有些患者需依靠于术中诊断。外科专家指出,如发现颈内静脉受甲状腺癌累及,瘤栓切除后,建议予以颈内静脉修补或者重建。手术后除TSH抑制治疗外,对有远处转移或肿瘤残存者RAI治疗是重要的补充。
      Background Follicular thyroid carcinoma represents a significant subset of differentiated thyroid malignancies, ranking as the second most common type after papillary thyroid carcinoma. Unlike papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma exhibits a higher propensity for vascular invasion, facilitating hematogenous dissemination and distant metastasis. While microvascular infiltration is recognized, involvement of the internal jugular vein or other major neck vessels is infrequent. Case Presentation A 56-year-old female presented with incidentally discovered thyroid nodules during routine health screening. Clinical evaluation revealed palpable enlargement of the right thyroid lobe with ultrasound findings suggestive of right thyroid carcinoma and cervical lymph node metastases. Additionally, tumor thrombus formation was observed within the right internal jugular vein. Fine-needle aspiration pathology confirmed right follicular thyroid carcinoma and cervical lymph node metastases. Surgical management comprised total thyroidectomy, bilateral neck dissection, and right internal jugular vein ligation, followed by adjuvant radioactive iodine therapy. The patient experienced uneventful postoperative recovery. Discussion Tumor thrombosis, more prevalent in malignancies with proclivity for microvascular invasion, is frequently encountered in follicular thyroid carcinoma. Its predilection for invading the internal jugular vein or other major neck vessels underscores the potential for superior vena cava syndrome and hematogenous dissemination. Thrombus patterns, delineated into intravascular extension and direct infiltration, correlate closely with prognosis. While thyroid and neck vascular ultrasound offer diagnostic utility, intraoperative findings often guide management. Contrast-enhanced neck imaging aids in diagnosis and surgical planning. Presence of internal jugular vein tumor thrombus portends adverse clinical outcomes, necessitating comprehensive surgical resection and consideration of vascular reconstruction. In addition to TSH suppression therapy after surgery, whether to undergo radioactive iodine 131 (RAI) treatment depends on the presence of residual tumor lesions and distant metastasis. This patient underwent RAI 2 months after surgery due to lung metastasis. Conclusion The occurrence of jugular vein thrombosis in follicular thyroid carcinoma is a very rare and serious complication. Preoperative ultrasound examination is advisable for the diagnosis of this disease, but often misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis occurs. Comprehensive neck CT/MRI is necessary, and some patients rely on intraoperative diagnosis. Surgical experts point out that if the internal jugular vein is found to be affected by thyroid cancer and the tumor thrombus is removed, it is recommended to repair or reconstruct the internal jugular vein. After surgery, in addition to TSH inhibition therapy, RAI treatment is an important supplement for patients with distant metastasis or tumor residual.
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