费兴林,杨金华,俞玲玲,等.挥癌症筛查利剑 树癌症防治旗帜——浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防控工作50年发展历程与展望[J].中国肿瘤,2025,34(1):2-9.
挥癌症筛查利剑 树癌症防治旗帜——浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防控工作50年发展历程与展望
Wield the Sword of Cancer Screening, Plant the Banner of Cancer Prevention and Treatment: 50-Year Development and Prospects of Cancer Prevention and Control in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province
中文关键词:  肿瘤防治  结直肠癌  肿瘤登记  早诊早治  浙江
英文关键词:cancer prevention and treatment  colorectal cancer  cancer registration  early diagnosis and early treatment  Zhejiang
费兴林 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治所 
杨金华 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治所 
俞玲玲 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治所 
薛 峰 浙江省嘉善县肿瘤防治所 
摘要点击次数: 92
全文下载次数: 19
      摘 要:近50年来,嘉善县借力浙江大学平台,依托独立建制的县肿瘤防治所,大力开展结直肠癌防控工作,成效显著,成为县级肿瘤防控全国典范。全文就嘉善县肿瘤防治所发展历史,结直肠癌防治历程,肿瘤登记、三级防癌网络的建立及主要成效、经验做法进行总结,并对未来嘉善县肿瘤防控工作进行展望。
      Abstract: In the past 50 years, Jiashan County had leveraged the platform of Zhejiang University and relied on its independent cancer prevention and treatment institute to vigorously carry out co-lorectal cancer prevention and control work, which made remarkable results and becoming a national model for county-level cancer prevention and control. The paper summarized the development history of Jiashan Institute of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, the process of colorectal cancer prevention and treatment, the establishment and main results of tumor registry and three-level cancer prevention system, and looked forward to the future cancer prevention and control work in Jiashan County.
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