Analysis of Incidence and Survival of Gastric Cancer in Yongkang County, Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2018
中文关键词  修订日期:2021-06-01
中文关键词:  胃癌  肿瘤登记  发病率  患病率  生存率  浙江
英文关键词:gastric cancer  cancer registry  incidence  prevalence  survival rate  Zhejiang
胡云卿 永康市疾病预防控制中心 
朱洪挺 永康市疾病预防控制中心 
胡春生 永康市疾病预防控制中心 
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      摘 要:[目的] 分析2013—2018年浙江省永康市胃癌的发病与生存情况。[方法] 收集、整理2013—2018年永康市肿瘤登记处上报于浙江省癌症中心/浙江省肿瘤防治办公室的肿瘤登记资料,计算胃癌发病例数、粗发病率、中标率、世标率、0~74 岁累积率、35~64岁截缩率、年龄别发病率、5年患病率和生存率等指标。[结果] 2013—2018年永康市共报告新发胃癌1 154例,粗发病率32.06/10万,中标率为18.57/10万,世标率为18.19/10万。胃癌发病率在0~39岁处于较低水平,40岁以后发病率开始逐渐上升。发病部位中贲门癌占比10.57%(122/1 154),远端胃癌占比42.98%(496/1 154);病理类型以腺癌为主,占新发胃癌的71.40%(824/1 154)。胃癌患者5年患病率为73.47/10万,5年生存率为31.8%±1.5%。[结论] 永康市处于胃癌高发区域,且胃癌患者生存率低,应开展胃癌致病因素宣传教育,并针对40岁以上人群(特别是65岁以上男性人群)开展早期筛查和干预。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To analyze the incidence and survival of gastric cancer in Yongkang County from 2013 to 2018. [Methods] The data reported by Yongkang cancer registry from 2013 to 2018 were collected and sorted out. The number of new cases, crude incidence rates, age-standardized incidence rates adjusted by Chinese population in 2000(ASR China) and Segi’s population(ASR world),cumulative rates(0~74 years old) ,truncated rates(35~64 years old), age-specific incidence rates, 5-year prevalence and survival rate were calculated.[Results] From 2013 to 2018, 1 154 new gastric cancer cases were reported in Yongkang County. The crude incidence rate was 32.06/105, the ASR China was 18.57/105, and the ASR world was 18.19/105. The incidence rate of gastric cancer was at a low level at 0~39 years old and began to rise gradually after the age group of 40~. Cardia gastric cancer accounted for 10.57%(122/1 154), distal gastric cancer accounted for 42.98%(496/1 154). Adenocarcinoma was the main pathological type, accounting for 71.40%(824/1 154) of new gastric cancer. The 5-year prevalence rate was 73.47/105 and 5-year survival rate of gastric cancer patients was 31.8%±1.5%. [Conclusion] Yongkang County is a high incidence area of gastric cancer, and the survival rate of gastric cancer patients is low. It is necessary to promote publicity and education on the pathogenic factors of gastric cancer and carry out early screening and intervention for people over 40 years old (especially for men over 65 years old).
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