余广彪,何 韵,曹蔚玮.中山大学肿瘤防治中心精益管理模式下的一流学科建设实践[J].中国肿瘤,2019,28(6):428-434.
Construction of First-class Discipline Under the Lean Management Model in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center(SYSUCC)
中文关键词:  精益管理  学科建设
英文关键词:lean management  discipline construction
余广彪 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 
何 韵 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 
曹蔚玮 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 
摘要点击次数: 6476
全文下载次数: 372
      摘 要:学科建设作为医院发展与管理的重要组成部分,需要不断迈向精细化与精益化,以确保现有资源的最大化利用与高效整合,助推医院的可持续性高质量发展。中山大学肿瘤防治中心作为国内知名的肿瘤专科医疗机构,经过多年来在学科建设上的不断摸索与经验积累,已逐步形成了一套科学合理、运作高效的学科建设精益管理模式并应用于实践中。近年来,中心通过释放医疗资源潜能,围绕“提升医疗水平,解决临床问题”为核心,从学科带头人的培养与梯队培养、以临床问题为导向的创新驱动科学研究开展、“以人为本”的核心价值观三个着力点构建学科精益管理模型支撑学科发展,并产生了可观的发展成效:包括高影响因子(IF>10)论文数量、国自然基金立项数目与资助金额、临床研究立项数、新药临床试验立项数、研究成果被国际恶性肿瘤诊疗指南采纳数量、长江学者与杰青人数等学科建设关键性指标均得到快速增长,呈现良好的可持续发展趋势。
      Abstract:As an important part of hospital development and management,discipline construction needs to be refined and lean to ensure the maximum utilization and efficient integration of existing resources and to promote the sustainable and high-quality development of hospitals. As a well-known cancer specialized medical institution in China,the SYSUCC has gradually formed a scientific,rational and efficient lean management mode of discipline construction and applied in practice after years of continuous exploration and experience accumulation in discipline construction. In recent years,by releasing the potential of medical resources,centering on the core of "improving medical level and solving clinical problems",the center has constructed the lean management model to support the development of disciplines from three key points:cultivation of discipline leaders and talent echelon training,innovation-driven and clinical problem-oriented scientific research,and core values of “people-oriented”. Significant progress and accomplishments have been achieved in SYSUCC:the rapid growth of the number of papers with high impact factor(IF>10),the number of projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),the amount of funding from the NSFC,the number of clinical research projects,the number of clinical trials of new drugs,the number of research results adopted by the international guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors,the number of Yangtze scholars and National Science Foundation for distinguished young scholars et al. It shows a good trend of sustainable development.
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