Construction of Comprehensive Information Resource System for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer in the Big Data Era
中文关键词:  大数据  癌症防控  早诊早治  信息化
英文关键词:big data  cancer control  early treatment  information construction
宋国慧 磁县肿瘤防治研究所磁县肿瘤医院 
魏文强 国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院 
摘要点击次数: 2325
全文下载次数: 367
      摘 要:大数据(巨量数据集合)时代的到来是必然性的,给肿瘤预防及研究带来了新的机遇与挑战。我国肿瘤的相关防治及早诊早治工作的蓬勃发展,其综合信息化建设及数字网络化是重要趋势。为此,本文通过以上消化道癌大人群筛查为例,探讨人群为基础的癌症筛查及多源数据的资源整合及信息化建设的必要性,不断完善及修订相关资源数据库的框架设计及改进,适应数据数字化的转型。大数据时代下癌症早诊早治资源整合及信息化建设非常必要,具有深远的意义。
      Abstract:The big data era(big data sets in IT term) brings new opportunities and challenges for cancer prevention and research. With the rapid development of cancer prevention and treatment in China,the comprehensive information construction and digital network are important trends. Taking large population-based screening of digestive tract cancer as an example,the current study is to explore the necessity of integration and construction of comprehensive information system based on multi-source data. The framework design and improvement of related databases should be constantly improved and revised to adapt to the transformation of data digitization. In big data era,the integration and comprehensive information construction of early diagnosis and early treatment resources are of great importance,which will deeply influence the cancer prevention and research in the future.
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