蔡玉群,李 薇,万惠卿.2010~2012年杭州市拱墅区已婚育龄妇女宫颈癌筛查结果分析[J].中国肿瘤,2014,23(9):752-756.
Cervical Cancer Screening for Married Women in Childbearing Age in Gongshu District,Hangzhou City,2010 ~2012
中文关键词:  宫颈癌  宫颈液基细胞学  筛查  杭州市
英文关键词:cervical cancer  Thinprep cytology test  screening  Hangzhou
蔡玉群 杭州市拱墅区计划生育宣传技术指导站 
李 薇 杭州市拱墅区计划生育宣传技术指导站 
万惠卿 杭州市拱墅区计划生育宣传技术指导站 
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      摘 要:[目的] 了解杭州市拱墅区49周岁以下的已婚育龄妇女宫颈癌和癌前病变,为制定妇女卫生保健政策提供了科学参考依据。 [方法] 对杭州市拱墅区49周岁以下的已婚育龄妇女开展以宫颈液基细胞学检查为基础的宫颈癌筛查,49周岁以下户籍已婚育龄妇女2010年为58 571人,2011年为55 880人,2012年为55 820人。[结果] 2010~2012年杭州市拱墅区辖10个街道49周岁以下户籍已婚育龄妇女TCT共检查40 651人,检查率为23.87%。TCT报告正常者39 326人,占96.74%。TCT报告异常者1325人,占3.26%。其中ASCUS病变630人,占47.55%;ASC-H病变84人,占6.34%;LSIL病变446人,占33.66%;HSIL病变145人,占10.94%,SCC病变2人,占0.15%;AGC病变18人,占1.36%。在需进一步手术治疗的妇女152例中,病理诊断结果为CINⅠ35人,CINⅡ51人,CIN Ⅲ 61人,宫颈癌5人。[结论] 杭州市拱墅区为已婚育龄妇女开展免费宫颈癌筛查,筛检了TCT异常的妇女,并对高危因素的癌前病变患者进行相应的治疗和医学指导。宫颈癌筛查的成效不仅限于早期发现和治疗少数癌症患者,更重要的是发现大量癌前病变患者,为制定妇女卫生保健政策提供了科学参考依据。
      Abstract:[Purpose] To investigate the status of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions in married women of childbearing age(<49 years olds) in Gongshu district,Hangzhou City,and to provide a scientific basis for women’s health policy.[Methods] Thinprep cytology test(TCT) for cervical cancer screening was carried out in married women of childbearing age(<49 years olds),the enrolled women was 58 571 people in 2010,55 880 people in 2011 and 55 820 people in 2012.[Results] A total of 40 651 people in married women of childbearing age(<49 years olds) underwent TCT deteetion with the detection rate of 23.87%. TCT normal was in 39 326 people accounting for 96.74%,and TCT abnormal was in 1325 people accounting for 3.26%. ASCUS lesion was found in 630 people(47.55%);84(6.34%),ASC-H lesions;446(33.66%),LSIL lesions;145 (10.94%),HSIL lesions;2(0.15%),SCC; and 18(1.36%),AGC lesions. In 152 women who need further surgery,the pathological diagnosis was confirmed CINⅠ in 35 cases;CINⅡ,51 cases;CINⅢ,61 cases and cervical cancer 5 cases. [Conclusion] Cervical cancer screening for married women during 2010~2012 find the abnormal TCT,and high risk of precancerous lesion case getting into appropriate treatment and medical guidance. Effectiveness of screening for cervical cancer is not only to find a small number of cancer patient,but also more importantly to find a large number of precancerous lesions. It provides a scientific basis for women’s health policy.
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