湖北省肿瘤登记地区2020年恶性肿瘤发病、死亡及疾病负担情况 |
Incidence, mortality and disease burden of malignant tumors in cancer registration areas of Hubei Province in 2020 |
投稿时间:2025-01-10 修订日期:2025-03-03 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 湖北 癌症 疾病负担 流行现状 |
英文关键词:Hubei Cancer Disease burden Epidemic status |
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摘要点击次数: 18 |
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中文摘要: |
[目的] 分析湖北省肿瘤登记地区2020年恶性肿瘤流行及疾病负担情况分析。[方法] 收集湖北省肿瘤登记地区2020年恶性肿瘤发病及死亡资料,根据国家癌症中心制定的质量评价标准和方法对数据进行质控,共有24个登记处的数据符合入选标准。采用描述性流行病学方法,计算发病/死亡率、年龄别发病/死亡率、中国人口标准化发病/死亡率(中标率)、世界人口标准化发病/死亡率(世标率),以及利用世界卫生组织提供的公式计算伤残调整寿命年(disability-adjusted life years, DALY)和DALY率来评估恶性肿瘤的疾病负担。[结果] 2020年湖北省肿瘤登记地区恶性肿瘤发病率311.36/10万,中标率184.14/10万,世标率197.37/10万,0-74岁累积率为20.52%。全省及农村地区恶性肿瘤年龄别发病率在75-79岁年龄组达到高峰,城市地区则在80-84岁达到高峰。2020年湖北省肿瘤登记地区恶性肿瘤死亡率184.58/10万,中标率96.91/10万,世标率为110.92/10万,0-74岁累积率为11.01%。全省及城市地区恶性肿瘤年龄别死亡率在85+岁年龄组达到高峰,农村地区则在80-84岁达到高峰。全省恶性肿瘤发病及死亡顺位中肺癌均位居首位。湖北省肿瘤登记地区2020年恶性肿瘤DALY为641497人年,DALY率为28.6/千人。[结论] 肺癌、乳腺癌以及上消化道癌等常见癌种对湖北省恶性肿瘤的发病、死亡及疾病负担有着巨大影响,有针对性的开展癌症筛查及早诊早治工作,是提高社会和经济效益最有效的手段。 |
英文摘要: |
[Purpose] To analyze the prevalence and disease burden of malignant tumors in cancer registration areas of Hubei Province in 2020. [Methods] The incidence and mortality data of malignant tumors in cancer registration areas in Hubei Province in 2020 were collected, and the data were quality controlled according to the quality evaluation standards and methods formulated by the National Cancer Center. The data from 24 registries met the inclusion criteria. Using descriptive epidemiological methods to calculate incidence/mortality rate, age-specific incidence/mortality rate, standardized incidence/mortality rate in the Chinese population (ASR China), standardized incidence/mortality rate in the world population (ASR world), disability-adjusted life years (DALY) and DALY rates were calculated using formulas provided by the World Health Organization to assess the disease burden of malignant tumors. [Results] In 2020, the incidence of malignant tumors in cancer registration areas of Hubei Province was 311.36/105, the ASR China was 184.14/105, the ASR world was 197.37/105, and the cumulative rate of 0-74 years old was 20.52%. The age-specific incidence of malignant tumors in the province and rural areas reached its peak in the 75-79 age group, while in urban areas it reached its peak in the 80-84 age group. In 2020, the mortality rate of malignant tumors in cancer registration areas of Hubei Province was 184.58/105, the ASR China was 96.91/105, the ASR world was 110.92/105, and the cumulative rate (0-74 years old) was 11.01%. The age-specific mortality rate of malignant tumors in the province and urban areas reached its peak in the age group of 85+ years, while in rural areas it reached its peak in the age group of 80-84 years. Lung cancer ranked first in the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in the province. In the cancer registration area of Hubei Province, the DALY of malignant tumors in 2020 is 641497 person-years, and the DALY rate is 28.6/ 1000. [Conclusion] Common cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer and upper digestive tract cancer have a great impact on the incidence, mortality and disease burden of malignant tumors in Hubei Province. Targeted cancer screening and early diagnosis and treatment are the most effective means to improve social and economic benefits. |
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