Trend Analysis and Future Forecast of Thyroid Cancer Incidence by Gender in China, 1990-2021
投稿时间:2024-10-29  修订日期:2025-02-13
中文关键词:  甲状腺癌  发病率  性别差异  趋势分析  预测
英文关键词:thyroid cancer  incidence  gender difference  trend analysis  forecasting
付祥锐 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
李文 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
刘玉荣 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
张璇 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
芦文丽 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
王媛* 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 300070
摘要点击次数: 65
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      [目的] 分析1990-2021年甲状腺癌不同性别的发病趋势变化、预测未来发病情况,为制定有针对性的甲状腺癌防治策略提供科学依据。[方法] 收集2021年全球疾病负担研究(GBD 2021)中1990-2021年中国居民甲状腺癌发病相关数据,利用Joinpoint联结点回归模型分析甲状腺癌发病趋势,基于1990-2021年发病数据,构建贝叶斯年龄-时期-队列(BAPC)模型预测2022-2030年发病情况。[结果] 1990-2021年,中国甲状腺癌标化发病率呈现波动上升趋势,2021年中国甲状腺癌ASIR为2.47/10万,略低于同年全球平均水平(2.91/10万)。2021年,甲状腺癌的新发病例和发病率在男女之间存在显著差异,女性的发病率高于男性。其中,女性的新发病例为27915例,粗发病率为4.02/10万,标化发病率为2.87/10万;男性的新发病例为20189例,粗发病率为2.77/10万,标化发病率为2.11/10万。1990-2021年,中国男性新发病例、粗发病率、标化发病率增幅远大于女性。男性和女性的甲状腺癌标化发病率均呈上升趋势,而女性的年均百分比变化(AAPC)低于男性。甲状腺癌年龄别发病率存在着明显的性别差异。2021年,中国<75岁人群中女性发病率较男性更高,而≥75岁的人群,男性发病率高于女性。1990-2021年,中国45~59岁和≥75岁男性人群发病率明显增加;中国50~74岁女性的发病率明显增加。预测结果显示,2030年的总体、男性、女性的标化发病率分别增长至2.90/10万,2.44/10万,3.26/10万。 [结论] 中国甲状腺癌发病率呈上升趋势,其中女性发病率高于男性,但男性发病率增幅超过女性,发病率差距在缩小,且男性发病高峰年龄多在高龄人群。甲状腺癌防控形势仍严峻,且人口老龄化在加剧,需要在关注女性高发甲状腺癌的同时,加强对男性群体尤其是高龄男性的健康意识教育,加大筛查力度。
      [Purpose] To analyse the changes in the incidence trend of thyroid cancer from 1990 to 2021, predict the future incidence, and provide a scientific basis for the formulation of targeted thyroid cancer prevention and treatment strategies. [Methods] We collected data related to the incidence of thyroid cancer among Chinese residents from 1990 to 2021 in the Global Burden of Disease 2021 (GBD 2021) study, analysed the trend of thyroid cancer incidence using the Joinpoint regression model, and constructed a Bayesian age-period-cohort (BAPC) model to predict the future incidence of thyroid cancer in the years of 2022-2030, based on the incidence data in the years of 1990 to 2021. incidence in 2022-2030. [Results] From 1990 to 2021, the standardised incidence rate of thyroid cancer in China showed a fluctuating upward trend, and the ASIR of thyroid cancer in China in 2021 was 2.47 per 100,000, slightly lower than the global average (2.91 per 100,000) in the same year.In 2021, there were significant differences in new cases and incidence rate of thyroid cancer between men and women, with the incidence rate of women being higher than that of men. Among them, the number of new cases in women was 27,915, the crude incidence rate was 4.02/100,000, and the standardised incidence rate was 2.87/100,000; in men, the number of new cases was 20,189, the crude incidence rate was 2.77/100,000, and the standardised incidence rate was 2.11/100,000.Between 1990 and 2021, the increase in the number of new cases, the crude incidence rate, and the standardised incidence rate of men in China was much larger than that of women. The standardised incidence rates of thyroid cancer in both males and females showed an increasing trend, while the average annual percentage change (AAPC) in females was lower than that in males. There were significant gender differences in the age-specific incidence rates of thyroid cancer. in 2021, the incidence rate of women was higher than that of men in the Chinese population <75 years of age, whereas the incidence rate of men was higher than that of women in the population ≥75 years of age. in 1990-2021, the incidence rates of the Chinese male population aged 45-59 years and ≥75 years of age increased significantly; and the incidence rate of the Chinese female population aged 50-74 years of age increased significantly. Projections showed that the overall, male, and female standardised incidence rates in 2030 increased to 2.90/100,000, 2.44/100,000, and 3.26/100,000, respectively. [Conclusions] The incidence rate of thyroid cancer in China is on the rise, with the incidence rate of women being higher than that of men, but the incidence rate of men has increased more than that of women, and the gap between the incidence rates is narrowing, and the peak age of incidence of men is mostly in the senior age group. The situation of thyroid cancer prevention and control is still serious, and the aging of the population is intensifying, so it is necessary to pay attention to the high incidence of thyroid cancer in women, and at the same time, strengthen the health awareness of the male population, especially the elderly men, and increase the screening efforts.
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