以项目为载体,推动肿瘤早诊早治——庄河县域肿瘤综合防治体系 建设纪实
Project-Based Promotion of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumor : A Chronicle of the Comprehensive cancer Prevention and Treatment System Development in Zhuanghe County
投稿时间:2024-08-11  修订日期:2024-08-20
中文关键词:  胃癌  筛查  早诊早治  肿瘤防治  庄河
英文关键词:Gastric cancer, screening, early diagnosis and treatment, cancer prevention and treatment, Zhuanghe
潘保成 庄河市中心医院 116400
王茜 庄河市中心医院 116400
温准* 庄河市中心医院 116400
摘要点击次数: 82
全文下载次数: 0
      Since 1984, Zhuanghe Central Hospital has been deeply involved in gastric cancer prevention and treatment research as a collaborating institution. From 2008 to the present, Zhuanghe Central Hospital, as the project-bearing unit, has completed the National Central Subsidy for Local Major Public Health Service Project—Rural Cancer Early Diagnosis and Early Treatment Project—for 17 consecutive years with high quality. This article reviews the implementation and progress of the early diagnosis and treatment project for gastric cancer/upper gastrointestinal cancer in the Zhuanghe region since 2008. It explores the successful experience of grassroots hospitals in high-incidence tumor areas using gastric cancer prevention and treatment as a focal point and leveraging a series of projects to carry out early diagnosis, early treatment, and comprehensive prevention and treatment of tumors, thereby constructing a comprehensive tumor prevention and treatment.
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