Disability adjusted life years for gastric cancer in China, 2000-2021
投稿时间:2024-06-18  修订日期:2024-07-23
中文关键词:  胃癌  疾病负担  伤残调整寿命年  中国
英文关键词:Gastric Cancer  Burden of disease  Disability adjusted life year  China
李贺 中国医科大学附属第一医院 110000
高梓铭 中国医科大学附属第一医院 110000
李凯* 中国医科大学附属第一医院 110000
摘要点击次数: 135
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      摘要:[目的] 分析2000-2021年中国人群胃癌所致伤残调整寿命年(DALY)的现况与趋势,并开展国际比较分析。[方法] 基于全球疾病负担(GBD)2021项目平台提取胃癌DALY数据,描述中国2021年胃癌所致DALY数和标化率,分析2000-2021年DALY的趋势变化,并采用年龄-时期-队列(APC)模型评估并比较中国、全球、日本、韩国、美国200-2021年DALY率的平均年度变化百分比(AAPC)。以2000年中国胃癌DALY为基准参照,采用因素分解法计算中国2001-2021年归因于人口老龄化、人口数量和年龄别率的胃癌DALY例数和比例。[结果] 2021年中国胃癌所致DALY总数为1064.21万人年,占全球胃癌DALY负担的46.70%,占我国全部癌种DALY负担的14.94%;其中男性DALY占总数的72.73%,≥65岁人群占44.97%。2000-2021年,我国胃癌所致DALY总数降低4.59%,标化率从959.29/10万降低至501.26/10万,降幅与日本相近、大于全球和美国但小于韩国,AAPC分别为-3.58%、-3.72%、-2.79%、-1.48%和-5.04%。2000-2021年间,中国胃癌年龄别DALY率下降和人口老龄化的归因占比快速上升,所致胃癌DALY归因人数分别为-760.41万人年和494.56万人年,归因比例分别为-14.84%和9.65%。[结论] 20年来我国胃癌所致DALY负担整体呈现下降趋势,但防控效果与开展全国性胃癌筛查的韩国相比仍有差距。我国人口老龄化所致胃癌DALY负担持续加重,且已经成为我国胃癌DALY增长的首位驱动因素。稳步扩大胃癌筛查的人群覆盖率并强化人口老龄化的干预措施,将对我国胃癌防控产生积极影响。
      [Abstract] Objective To describe and estimate the 20-year trends in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) caused by gastric cancer (GC) in China, and compare it with global and some other selected populations. Methods Using data from Global Burden of Disease 2021, we analyzed DALYs and world-standardized DALY rates from 2000 to 2021 in the Chinese population. An age-period-cohort model was used to evaluate and compare the average annual percentage change (AAPC) in DALY rates from 2000 to 2021 in China, the world, Japan, South Korea, and the United States of America. We analyzed the changes in GC DALYs associated with population aging, population growth, and age-specific DALY rates from 2001-2021 using a decomposition method, by taking data in 2000 as a reference. Results In 2021, GC DALYs in the Chinese population were 10.64 million person-years, accounting for 46.70% of the global GC DALYs and 14.94% of all cancers DALYs in China. The DALYs in men accounted for 72.73%, and those aged ≥65 years old accounted for 44.97%. From 2000 to 2021, the total GC DALYs in the Chinese population decreased by 4.59%, and the standardized rate decreased from 959.29/100,000 to 501.26/100,000. From 2000 to 2021, similar decreased trends were observed in China and Japan, with AAPC being -3.58% and -3.72%, respectively. A higher decreased trend was observed in Korea, whereas relatively modest decreased trends were observed in the Global levels and in the United States of America, with AAPC being -5.04%, -2.79%, and -1.48%, respectively. Between 2000 and 2021, age-specific DALY rates and population aging accounted for the largest decrease and increase in GC DALYs. The changes in GC DALYs attributed to these two factors were -14.84% (-7.60 million person-years) and 9.65% (4.95 million person-years), respectively. Conclusions The DALY burden of GC in China decreased in the past 20 years; however, the decrease trend was still slower than in Korea. GC DALYs attributed to population aging increased rapidly, and population aging has become the first driving factor for the DALY increase in China. Substantially expanding the population coverage of GC screening and strengthening the intervention measures of population aging will have a positive impact on the prevention and control of GC in China.
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