Evaluation and Optimisation of Research Performance Assessment Index System of Clinical Departments in Research Oncology Hospital Under the Situation of Innovation-driven Development
投稿时间:2024-03-04  修订日期:2024-05-13
中文关键词:  科研绩效考核 研究型肿瘤专科医院 临床科室 指标体系优化 医学高质量发展
英文关键词:Research Performance Assessment, Research Oncology Hospital, Clinical Department, Indicator System Optimisation, High Quality Development of Medicine
姚丽波 国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院 100021
代敏* 国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院 100021
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      目的 在创新驱动发展的形式下,对医院临床科室科研绩效考核指标体系进行分析、评价与优化,以期对肿瘤专科医院构建科学合理的科研绩效考核指标体系进行探索。方法 将指标体系在2022年科研绩效考核中进行应用,使用实际考核结果分析该指标体系的信度、结构效度、内容效度、区分度,以便进一步对该指标体系进行分析、评价与优化。采用Cronbach"s α系数评价信度,探索性因子分析进行结构效度分析,鉴别指数进行区分度分析。结果 指标体系整体的Cronbach"s α系数为0.919,信度非常好。探索性因子分析显示,KMO值为0.762,Bartlett球形检验P值为0.000***,各变量间具有相关性。提取3个因子的累积方差贡献率为82.5%。总评分的鉴别指数为0.71,显示绩效考核指标体系总体区分度非常好。结论 指标体系的信度、结构效度、区分度较好,能较为稳定、可靠、合理地评价某研究型肿瘤专科医院各临床科室真实的科研水平,与调整前指标体系对比有提升。根据分析结果,建议设立一级指标“科研核心竞争力”,“科研积极程度”,删除二级指标“卓越期刊”。该指标体系切实构建出适应创新驱动发展要求的科学评价体系。
      Objective Under the form of innovation-driven development, the scientific research performance appraisal index system of clinical departments in hospitals is analysed, evaluated and optimized, with a view to exploring the construction of a scientific and reasonable scientific research performance appraisal index system for oncology specialist hospitals. Methods The indicator system was applied in the 2022 scientific research performance appraisal, and the reliability, structural validity , content validity and differentiation of the index system were analysed using the actual assessment results in order to further analyse, evaluate and optimize the index system. Cronbach"s α coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability, exploratory factor analysis for structural validity analysis, content-related index for content validity analysis,and discriminant index for differentiation analysis. Results The Cronbach"s α coefficient of the index system as a whole was 0.919, with very good reliability. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the KMO value was 0.762, and the P value of Bartlett"s spherical test was 0.000***, and there was correlation among the variables. The cumulative variance contribution of the three factors extracted was 82.5%. The content correlation index (S-CVI) was 0.975, and the overall content validity was good. The discrimination index of the total score is 0.71, showing that the overall differentiation of the performance appraisal indicator system is very good. Conclusion The reliability, structural validity and differentiation of the indicator system are good, and it can evaluate the real scientific research level of each clinical department of a research oncology hospital in a stable, reliable and reasonable way, and it has been improved compared with the indicator system before adjustment. Based on the results of the analysis, it is recommended to set up the first-level indicators of "core competitiveness of scientific research" and "degree of scientific research activeness", and to delete the second-level indicator of "excellent journals". The index system effectively builds a scientific evaluation system that meets the requirements of innovation-driven development.
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