Analysis of cervical cancer early diagnosis and treatment in Shenzhen, 2018-2022: during a five-year period after the availability of the HPV vaccine
投稿时间:2024-03-01  修订日期:2024-04-03
中文关键词:  宫颈癌  筛查  癌前病变  早诊早治  HPV疫苗  流行病学
英文关键词:Keywords:cervical cancer  screening  precancerous lesions  early diagnosis and treatment  HPV vaccine,epidemiology.
钟颖雨 南方医科大学 518000
张颖婕 南方医科大学 518000
王贺 深圳市妇幼保健院 518000
王月云* 深圳市妇幼保健院 518000
摘要点击次数: 106
全文下载次数: 0
      摘 要:【目的】 通过分析深圳市女性2018年-2022年宫颈癌筛查与早诊早治的基本数据,展现疫苗上市之后的几年宫颈癌筛查情况出现的变化,为后续防治工作提供参考。【方法】对 2018 年 1 月至 2022年 12 月深圳市妇幼保健系统宫颈癌防治信息平台收集到的2365 568人次有关数据资料进行回顾性分析。 【结果】 2018-2022年期间参加筛查的人数逐年上升。筛查人群中机会性筛查占32.71% , 政府计划筛查占53.72%,健康体检筛查占15.83%。CIN2及以上病变总人数为5392人 , (CIN2+CIN3/原位癌+早期癌)总人数为5235人,实际治疗总人数4996人,治疗失访总人数396人。CIN2及以上病变检出率平均为0.23%, 早诊率平均为96.92%,治疗率在2021-2022年均达到95%以上。【结论】 自2017年中国内地开始接种HPV疫苗以来,深圳市参加宫颈癌筛查的人群数量逐年上升,其中政府计划筛查人数占大多数;因参与筛查而实现宫颈癌早诊早治的人数逐年增加,从而遏制住疾病的发生发展;早诊率、治疗率在2020年后均达到较高水平。综上,通过筛查可以达到宫颈癌早期诊断与治疗的防治目的,广大女性应积极响应参与宫颈癌筛查项目。
      Abstract: [objective ]The objective of this study was to analyze the data from cervical cancer screening and early detection in Shenzhen women from 2018 to 2022, with the aim of providing reference for future prevention and treatment efforts. Additionally, it aimed to investigate the impact of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer screening over a few years.[Methods] Data from the Shenzhen City Maternal and Child Health Care System"s Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Information Platform between January 2018 and December 2022 were retrospectively collected (n=2365 568). [Results]:The number of participants undergoing screening increased annually during the study period. Among them, opportunistic screening accounted for 32.71%, government planned screening accounted for 53.72%, and physical examination screening accounted for 15.83%. A total of 5392 individuals were diagnosed with CIN2 or above, while a total of 5235 individuals had lesions (CIN2 + CIN3 + early carcinoma / situ carcinoma). Out of these, a total of 4996 individuals received actual treatment, while there were only 396 cases lost to follow-up after treatment initiation. The average detection rate for CIN2 lesions was above or equal to 0.23%, with an average early detection rate reaching as high as 96.92%. On average, the treatment rate was approximately 79.60%. Over time, there has been an increase in timely identification among potential cancer patients who underwent screenings; most cases received prompt treatment which effectively curbed disease occurrence and progression.The year 2020 witnessed higher levels achieved in terms of early detection rates and treatment outcomes.[Conclusion]Screening plays a crucial role in achieving early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer; therefore,it is essential that women actively participate in cervical cancer screening programs.
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