赵 莹,李 静,陶 苹.可视红光透照检查各类乳腺的影像学特点及临床决策的研究[J].中国肿瘤,2013,22(6):506-511.
Imaging Features and Clinical Decisions for Various Breast Diseases Using Transillumination Breast Screening with Visible Red Light
中文关键词:  乳腺透照检查  可视红光  乳腺筛查  临床决策
英文关键词:transillumination breast screening  visible red light  breast screening,clinical decision
赵 莹 四川大学华西公共卫生学院 
李 静 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所/肿瘤医院 
陶 苹 四川省第二人民医院(四川省肿瘤医院) 
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      摘 要:[目的] 获得各类乳腺的乳腺透照检查(TBS)的影像学特征,制定TBS筛查乳腺疾病的临床决策标准。[方法] 以钼靶X线或病理检查结果为金标准,收集乳腺癌、纤维腺瘤、乳腺囊肿、乳腺良性增生、乳腺炎和正常乳腺的TBS结果。从乳腺透照的肿块影、血管影、整体透光性和密度均匀度等方面对TBS成像特点构成进行描述,经专家小组讨论,确定TBS的临床决策标准。[结果] 共收集111人(222例单侧乳腺)的影像学资料,TBS的阳性影像特征为肿块影或暗区,血管纹理异常或未见异常,否则为阴性。乳腺癌(20例)进一步检查推荐率为95.0%。[结论] TBS能够区分病变乳腺与正常乳腺,但TBS进行乳腺疾病初筛的准确性还需要进一步评估。
      Abstract: [Purpose] To determine a clinical decision criteria of primary breast screening based on the image features of transillumination breast screening (TBS) with visible red light. [Methods] The image features of various breast diseases including breast cancer,fibroadenoma,cysts,hyperplasia,mastitis and normal breasts were recorded using TBS with visible red light. Regarding mammography and/or pathology diagnosis as the gold standards,the shadow of lump,blood vessel,overall?transmittance and density homogeneity of breast diseases were described in details. Image records were evaluated and studied through experts’ review to define the clinical decision criteria for TBS. [Results] Image features of visible red light in 111 cases(222 unilateral breasts) was recorded in this study. Visible grey or dark areas with normal or abnormal vascular shadow were defined as TBS positive. The further examination recommended rate for breast cancer in this study was 95.0% (20 cases with breast cancer). [Conclusions] TBS can differentiate breast diseases especially breast cancer from the normal breast. Further studies on accuracy of TBS in primary breast screening are necessary.
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